Thursday, June 6, 2019

20z Jun 6—Cairns in Sight; again waiting on the wind

Background: Notes here on our Google Earth tracking of Jacob Adoram         Index of Google Earth overlays.  Download the KLM file.

New KML online now with new charts and routes

Safely anchored off of Flynn Reef, Jacob is still waiting for lighter wind. 

We discuss in the video below the situation, including charting anomalies, and glimmers of faint hope in the forecast for tomorrow... which is just about 10 hr from now.

See for a nice long review from Jacob on present conditions.

We are watching the wind with several posts in our blog:

One on the things we think we are learning is the Oceanic version of the National Blend of Models might provide best extended forecast.  We have one more test of this underway that is Jacob oriented, but then we can do the same thing across the globe by watching conditions at several buoys that have live data to compare with.  We are homing in on the best ways to present this. The best source of data is clear, namely LuckGrib, because it is the only source and viewer for the probabilistic data from NBM and the statistical data from the GFS Ensemble runs, GEFS.

Here is the link for the Metop-A tracking site that we are using to watch for daylight times at Jacob's location:

Another nice way to do both is the free PC app Orbitron, but our forthcoming video on how to use it will be helpful.

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